Archive | February, 2014

Crying Contests.

24 Feb

My parents were here this weekend. Mainly for the Monster Jam, which was lots of fun. Gia and Luke always have difficulty during the good bye process.

Gia this weekend- selfies abound!

Gia this weekend- selfies abound!

I would like to note that Mimi does not like to have her photo taken- and deleted the one picture I had of her from this weekend. Thus why she does not have a photograph here today.

Monster Jam this weekend- I was the only girl who stayed for the festivities.

Gia frequently informs me that it doesn’t upset me that she is upset when she cries as Mimi and Popa depart- which is true. I remember the many tears shed driving away from the house on Sardonyx or watching the brown Oldsmobile as it drove down Huffmiester as a child.

Yesterday, the feeling for my kids was no different. After mass and brunch, Mimi and Popa came back to our home and gathered all of their things. After a bit of outside play it was time for them to leave.

Crying ensued by both.

It continued while…..

Waving good bye.

Standing in the driveway.

Walking in the house.

Up to the room to lay down for a rest.

Laying down.

Reading books.


After what I assume was an eternity (but in all reality was more like fifteen to twenty minutes) I finally told Luke (shockingly, Gia ended the dramatics before this) he had to stop crying.

On a dime, he stopped.

Took a breath.

And said, “Gia?”

Gia answered, “Yes?”

“I cried longer than you.”

Yep. Crying contests. Apparently it is the new way to show your love.

Pushers and Poles.

12 Feb

Olympic Skiing Commentary

Watching skiing tonight Luke says to Ralph, “Daddy can I borrow your skis and your pushers- I need some pushers.” You know, pusher is a perfectly acceptable synonym for poles.